• Under the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966 I require veterinary consent prior to assessing and treating your animal if they currently have an active/acute injury or disease, including post-operatively, post injury and for specific rehabilitation of pathology. Any practitioner who treats your animal in these cases, without Veterinary consent is working outside of the law. 

    In cases of maintenance Physiotherapy to maintain mobility and promote function, or in instances of maximising sporting performance I do not need Veterinary consent under the Veterinary Surgery (exemptions) order 2015. However, if there are any concerns raised during these maintenance sessions, such as lameness, I will refer back to your Veterinarian. 

    For Veterinarians: Please download my Veterinary consent form HERE and send to enquiries@herefordveterinaryphysiotherapy.co.uk with any relevant information attached.

  • The Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Animal Therapy (ACPAT) is a professional network developed from within the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP). Registration as a category A member of ACPAT ensures that your Veterinary Physiotherapist has completed at least five years of training to gain a PG Dip or MSc. To become a category A ACPAT Veterinary Physiotherapist, you must first be a Chartered Physiotherapist within the human field. Registration with ACPAT also ensures that your Veterinary Physiotherapist is completing regular Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and that they are subject to a random annual audit, confirming they adhere to the highest levels of professionalism and competency.  

    For more information, please see the ACPAT website:About | ACPAT

  • The Register of Animal Musculoskeletal Practitioners is an industry regulatory body which maintains a register of professionals, aiming to uphold a gold standard of care and welfare. Registration with RAMP means your practitioner is fully trained, insured and adheres to the standards of proficiency and professional conduct. Registration with RAMP also ensures that your practitioner has demonstrated a fitness to practice and has an up to date Continuing Professional Development (CPD) record. 

    For more information, please see the RAMP website: RAMP for Animal Owners | RAMP (rampregister.org)

  • Each appointment will be between an hour and an hour and a half. This gives us time to fully assess your horse or dog at each session - whether this is the initial appointment or follow up session. 

  • We require 24 hours’ notice of cancellation for any appointment. If an appointment is cancelled after this, a charge of 50% will incur.

  • Horses: Please ensure your horse in brought in from the field in time for the appointment and is as clean/dry as possible. This will ensure that I can palpate your horse fully to gain an accurate assessment. It is useful for me to know when they last saw the farrier, saddle fitter and dentist, therefore having a note of these dates is advised. Please ensure you have suitable equipment ready for the assessment e.g. appropriate bridle/equipment for lunging.  

    Dogs: Please ensure you have the appropriate lead/harness available for the appointment. I will have treats and licky mats etc. with me, however if your dog has any allergies or sensitivities please let me know ahead of the appointment.

  • Please contact me directly via email or phone to book your initial assessment. All contact information can be found under the ‘Contact us’ page.

  • Most insurance companies will cover Veterinary Physiotherapy treatment. However, please check your policy prior to starting Physiotherapy treatment. I require payment on the day of treatment, which can then be claimed back through your insurance company. 

  • Based in Herefordshire near to the Welsh border, I provide a professional Veterinary Physiotherapy service to all areas of Herefordshire and borders of surrounding counties. Please contact me directly to discuss if I cover your location.

  • At the first appointment I will complete an initial consultation form with you. This will allow me to gain lots of information about your animal to help guide the treatment plan. For horses this will include asking questions about turnout routine, last saddle check, last dental check, farrier intervals and workload. For dogs this may include asking questions about changes to behaviour, usual diet and expected workload.  


    Next, we will complete an objective assessment. In the case of horses this will include static observation of muscle bulk, posture and conformation. Then we will complete a dynamic assessment to include walk and trot in hand (this may be on hard/soft surfaces), rein back, small turns in hand and lunging in walk, trot and canter. I will then complete a ‘hands on’ assessment to include palpation of muscle tightness and evaluation of spinal/limb range of movement. In some cases, a ridden assessment may be necessary, however this will be discussed prior to my visit. 

    In the case of canines, the objective assessment will also start with static observation. Dynamic assessment may include watching movement on the lead, transfers such as sit to stand and observation of specific activities your dog may be finding challenging. I will then complete a ‘hands on’ assessment including palpation, limb range and spinal range of movement.  


    After the comprehensive assessment, I will discuss my findings with you and carry out the appropriate treatments. We will then work together to set collaborative goals and an appropriate home exercise plan.

  • Just as in humans, animals may experience some post-treatment soreness. Therefore, I advise that horses have 24-48 hours off ridden work. This will be discussed at the end of your session.

  • I require a handler to be present throughout the session for both canines and equines. This allows me to complete a full assessment and effective treatment.

  • Yes. I hold a comprehensive Veterinary Physiotherapy insurance policy via ‘Balens’, ensuring I am fully insured, including full professional and public liability.

  • I am happy to receive cash or BACS payments. I will send you an invoice at the end of your session, which is payable on the day of the visit. All details regarding payment will be available on your invoice. Please see my terms and conditions policy for further information.

  • See privacy policy HERE

  • See terms and conditions HERE

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